Convergent con artists: How rove beetles keep evolving into army ant parasites

Marauding across the forest floor, aggressive army ant colonies harbor hidden enemies in their ranks -- parasitic beetles. Through dramatic changes in body shape,...

NASA study improves forecasts of summer Arctic sea ice

The Arctic has been losing sea ice over the past several decades as Earth warms. However, each year, as the sea ice starts to...

How garbage patches form in world’s oceans

A new study on how ocean currents transport floating marine debris is helping to explain how garbage patches form in the world's oceans. Researchers...

Study associates proximity to oil and gas development and childhood leukemia

Young Coloradans diagnosed with acute lymphocytic leukemia are more likely to live in areas of high-density oil and gas development compared to young Coloradans...

Floods and hurricanes predicted with social media

Social media can warn us about hurricanes, storms and floods before they happen, according to new research. Key words and photos on social media...

Researchers link methane in groundwater in Parker and Hood counties to natural sources

High levels of methane in well water from two counties near Fort Worth are probably from shallow natural gas deposits, not natural gas leaks...

Cold extermination: One of greatest mass extinctions was due to an ice age and...

The Earth has known several mass extinctions over the course of its history. One of the most important happened at the Permian-Triassic boundary 250...

Brake dust may cause more problems than blackened wheel covers

Metals from brakes and other automotive systems are emitted into the air as fine particles, lingering over busy roadways. Now, researchers have shown how...

Breakthrough in live coral imaging

Interdisciplinarity scientists have used a well-known biomedical imaging technique called optical coherence tomography (OCT) to obtain fascinating insights to the structural organization and dynamics...

Air pollution may have masked mid-20th Century sea ice loss

Humans may have been altering Arctic sea ice longer than previously thought, according to researchers studying the effects of air pollution on sea ice...

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