Fish affected by Deepwater Horizon spill give clues to air pollution heart disease

A study into the effects on fish of a 2010 oil disaster could shed new light on how air pollution affects humans' hearts, report...

Standardized analytic protocols will help to assess the amount, quality, and risk of microplastic...

Since the first reports on a dramatic increase in microplastic contamination in the sea twenty years ago, research efforts have intensified worldwide. A new...

Floods and hurricanes predicted with social media

Social media can warn us about hurricanes, storms and floods before they happen, according to new research. Key words and photos on social media...

How the darkness and the cold killed the dinosaurs

Climate scientists now reconstructed how tiny droplets of sulfuric acid formed high up in the air after the well-known impact of a large asteroid...

Diesel trains may expose passengers to exhaust

A new study finds that diesel trains may expose passengers to elevated levels of certain pollutants, especially if they are sitting directly behind the...

Men smuggle $20,000 in empty bottles for California refund, officials say.

SACRAMENTO California’s high rate of return on beverage containers landed two men in jail for trying to smuggle in $20,000 worth of empty bottles. Officials found...

New technique identifies micropollutants in New York waterways

Engineers have developed a new technique to test for a wide range of micropollutants in lakes, rivers and other potable water sources that vastly...

Flashy first images arrive from NOAA’s GOES-16 lightning mapper

Detecting and predicting lightning just got a lot easier. The first images from a new instrument onboard NOAA's GOES-16 satellite are giving NOAA National...

Tool for a cleaner Long Island Sound

Ecologists have pinpointed sources of nitrogen pollution along Long Island Sound, and shows municipalities what they might do to alleviate it.

Unexpected result: Ocean acidification can also promote shell formation

More carbon dioxide in the air also acidifies the oceans. It seemed to be the logical conclusion that shellfish and corals will suffer, because...

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